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    Mentions légales


    Entreprise : ZAZIE HOTEL

    Forme juridique : SAS
    Siret : 752 387 670 00025
    Capital social : 791 000 €
    TVA Intracommunautaire: FR85752387670

    Directrice de la publication : Anne-Sophie de Boulois

    Siège social :3 rue de Chaligny – 75012 Paris – France
    Tél. : +33 1 46 28 10 20
    Email :

    Responsable éditorial : Anne-Sophie de Boulois
    Web master, conception, édition, : Beezneo
    Hébergement : Ovh

    PERSONAL DATA. The reservation will be subject to a record accessible by the Customer upon simple request to the following address In accordance with Law 78-17 “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 as amended, customers have a right of access, rectification and opposition to the personal data processed concerning them. The Customer may also refuse the processing, request a limitation of it or request the deletion (within the limits of the legal retention periods) of personal data. This right can be exercised upon simple written request to contact@zaziehotelparis, which will respond to the requests made. The purpose of the processing of the personal data collected corresponds to the obligations relating to the services provided (customer management, commercial offers, satisfaction questionnaire, wishes and other friendly communications). The contact details of our Customers are never transferred to any partner.

    OWNERSHIP: The site and the information it contains are protected by French law on intellectual property and by international conventions. Except for use within the family circle or for private use, the site and no element of its content may be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or retransmitted without the prior authorization of the rights holders.